OK1KIR EME Team - News

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March 17th 2019

13 cm part of EU EME contes and expedition TO2MB Martinic on 70 cm

Tonda made 33 QSOs, new initials are JJ1NNJ, WA3RGQ and UA3TCF. We just listen JA6XED during a TX fault. Then we operate with the expedition to Martinic TO2MB on 70 cm as the fifth station. It's the first FM-OK connection to 70 cm.


February 16th 2019

New OK distance record on 23 cm

Vlada by adjusting RX performance, managed to suppress interference and established QSO with ZL2MQ on JT65C on 23 cm. Dave used 45 el. loop Yagi and 150 W. It is a new OK record of 18220 km.


January 21st 2019

One orbit on 70 and 23 cm

Tonda managed to take care of a long-term ill wife and went out for a night at the EME QTH. On 70 cm, in 3 hours he was possible to establish a QSO with BD9BU as the 38th zone to WAZ and with 9K2YM to make the first 9K-OK on 70 cm. He also added 4 new JT initials. Then at 23 cm 3 new JT and 1 CW station.


January 1st 2019

Season Greetings.

Season Greetings to all. We wish you all the best in 2019, many QSOs and lot of fun with our hobby.


December 2nd 2018

EME expedition HB0/HB9DBM

Activity of five-band EME expedition HB0/HB9DBM ended today. We managed to work with it on all bands both CW and digital modes.


October 22nd 2018

ZL on 3 cm

Today, the first 3 cm QSO to the ZL was made. The Rex ZL/VK7MO was in the RE57OP. Distance of 18057 km is the new OK record on this band.


September 30th 2018

Expedition 4U1ITU on 6 and 13 cm and ARRL EME contest on 13 cm.

Zdenek's expedition 4U1ITU was made on 13 and 6 cm on JT and CW from Friday night, both QSOs are the first contacts OK-4U1. We made 32 QSOs on 13 cm in the contest. The new stations are RA3EME, 4U1ITU, K5DOD and W5AFY. The icing on the cake is the JT65C QSO with LU1CGB as the first LU-OK on 13 cm just before the Moon set. Adrian used a 1.8 m dish and 20 watts of power.


September 28th 2018

4U1ITU expedition

After QSOs on 9, 70 and 23 cm with Zdeněk's expedition 4U1ITU in the past few days, QSOs on 1.25 and 3 cm were done last night. QRA64D connection was achieved at 24 GHz -22/-14 at the time of a smaller spread. Later, after QSY to 10 GHz, QRA64D QSO -13/-08. Both QSOs as the first OK-4U1. Later Zdeněk switched continued on CW on 3 cm and we managed it also 549/559.


September 5th 2018

Another new station on 24 GHz

Several QRA64D and JT4F QSOs were done with Zdeněk OK1DFC under better conditions then yesterday. Another new 24 GHz station is the DC7KY. Klaus used a 2.4 m offset dish and 20 watts of power.


September 4th 2018

Zdenek OK1DFC on 24 GHz

The first JT4F contact with Zdenek OK1DFC on 24 GHz was established during a poor conditions (high air humidity and large spread). Zdeněk used a 1.8 m center dish and about 6 watts output power. It is our shortest EME connection on 24 GHz.


July 16th 2018

The last part of European EME contest on 9 cm

We mainly focus on working new initials than on contest results. Six initial were worked on CW and one on digi. We were delighted with the QSO to HG, their an extra 9cm license will expired on 31.7.2018.


June 30th 2018

VA3ELE 70 cm expedition to FO13 locator.

Vlada managed to work in the morning on 70 cm expedition of Peter VA3ELE into the WAZ zone 2 at the FO13 locator. Peter used 28 element yagi and 210 W out. For us, this is a new field of FO. We have made QSO to WAZ zone 2 with VO2DX already back in 1987.


June 17th 2018

European EME Contest on 10 and 24 GHz

Our result was 32x30 on 3 cm and 4x4 on 1.2 cm in this part of the European EME Contest. Outside the CW contest Tonda operated on JT4F with BD4SY as the first BY-OK connection on 3 cm.


May 20th 2018

EA6/HB9COG on 3 cm.

Vlada succeeds to operate EA6/HB9COG expedition on 3 cm today.


May 19th 2018

Expedition EA6/HB9DOG continues

Yesterday we worked EA6/HB9COG on 13 cm on JT and CW modes. Today, Vlada worked with them on QRA64D mode on 6 cm as the first EA6-OK QSO. Later, at a time of minor spread and lower WiFi interference, he succeeded on CW as well.


May 13th 2018

Expedition EA6/HB9COG on 23 cm.

We operate EA6/HB9COG on 23 cm both the CW and JT65C modes today.


April 25th 2018

Z66EME on 9 cm

Tonda made JT65C OSO on 9cm with expedition Z66EME. It is the first OK-Z66 QSO on this band.


April 24th 2018

9A5AA on 24 GHz

Vlada succeeded in CW sked QSO with 9A5AA at 24 GHz O/O. Dragan used a 2.4 meter offset dish and the power was from TWT 1127 (value not measured).


April 22nd 2018

Our activity during 23 cm EU DUBUS contest

Tonda was only looking for new stations for the lack of time before and during the contest. It was done 1 CW initial and 7 JT initials. It includes 2 new countries 3B8MB and Z66EME as the first Z6 - OK connection on 23cm.


March 27th 2018

CR2EME expeditoon on 70 cm

Tonda made JT65 QSO with CR2EME expedition on 70 cm today.


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